Blizzard by Vasil Woodland (2025. canvas, oil. 60x45cm.)
The Wind howls
n whispers
guardians guidance
fueling the Fires
that cleanse the land;
mind, body n Spirit.
Red hot Stones
brought to the center
of womb;
Divine, Sacred Feminine…,
the sweat lodge,
Our prayers…,
have always been heard.
The past, the present
n the future
justify the now
in ways beyond
our comprehension.
Those who have faith
have courage.
So say we all…,
mind, body n Spirit.
~ hsh © 011225
Painting by Vasil Woodland Blizzard (2025. canvas, oil. 60x45cm.) https://woodland64.wixsite.com/mysite
Ukrainian Artist, Vasyl Woodland has given me permission to pair his art with my poetry and writings on my new website and FB Page. I hope you enjoy his work and are drawn to support him and his people however you can in your prayers.
PBS / Firing Line interviewed Lieve Schriber, a celebrated actor and descendent of Ukraine. They vetted the NPO BlueCheck and found there are no middlemen and 100% of the money goes directly to all the non-military needs behind the enemy lines. Please click here to make a donation to support Ukraine through BlueCheck.
Vasil studied under Norval Morrisseu. Norval Morrisseau CM RCA, also known as Copper Thunderbird, was an Indigenous Canadian artist from the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation. He is widely regarded as the Grandfather of Contemporary Indigenous Art in Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norval_Morrisseau
*The royalty-free Ukrainian Peace Flag image is provided courtesy of Akitada31/Roman. Please look at his other works on Pixabay and buy him a cup of coffee if you appreciate his contribution.
Original writing: The Wind Howls and whispers in our ears. It fuels the Fires that cleanse the land. The Stones are red hot and brought into the center of the womb of the sweat lodge. Our prayers have always been heard. The past the present in the future justify the now in ways beyond our comprehension. Those who have faith have courage. So say we all. ~ hsh (c) 011125
Оригінальний текст: Вітер виє та шепоче нам у вуха. Воно підживлює вогонь, який очищає землю. Камені розжарені до червоного і внесені в центр лона потниці. Наші молитви завжди були почуті. Минуле, сьогодення в майбутньому виправдовує теперішній момент у спосіб, що виходить за межі нашого розуміння. Хто має віру, той має мужність. Так говоримо ми всі. ~ hsh © 011125
Oryhinalʹnyy tekst: Viter vyye ta shepoche nam u vukha. Vono pidzhyvlyuye vohonʹ, yakyy ochyshchaye zemlyu. Kameni rozzhareni do chervonoho i vneseni v tsentr lona potnytsi. Nashi molytvy zavzhdy buly pochuti. Mynule, sʹohodennya v maybutnʹomu vypravdovuye teperishniy moment u sposib, shcho vykhodytʹ za mezhi nashoho rozuminnya. Khto maye viru, toy maye muzhnistʹ. Tak hovorymo my vsi. ~ hsh © 011125
Crackling Fireplace w/ Snowstorm & Howling Wind Outside
Buffalo faces the wind
Authors comment
I wish we had more time to talk.
This piece, “The Howling Winds” has a timeless element relating to our relationship with each other throughout all times of human hardship and evolution and the hardship we have imposed on the land and each other.
“The Earth” began with fire and has put an end to countless discriminate and indiscriminate circumstances, both in actuality and symbolically.
Our ability to adapt was largely built upon what we called our discovery of fire in our ability to control it. We called that civilization. We also used that knowledge to destroy enemies.
Fire by itself is indiscriminate. It always has been. It is a gift from what I call a great mystery or gd, while also being a terror.
Hell is often symbolically related to as being a place of fire. But we all know that hell and its meaning in our language goes far beyond that meaning.
Our collective prayers often do not meet the definition of consensus. Fires are often started symbolically by the lack of it. They are always heard, but not always answered in the way that we would like them to be.
The conflict of wars throughout time are a great example of this truth.
In the face of all these challenges between each other and nature, we evolve. Our faith in whatever it is that we believe, gives us courage to do that. To adapt and evolve is rarely simply a choice.
And so I pray.
Health, help and happiness.
'Great mystery, Great Spirit;
'Please help me,
help you,
help us.' 🙏 ~ Brother Guy
Translation of Vasil's message: Thank you, my friend, for a beautiful and profound poem. It is an honor for me that you use my paintings as illustrations for your poems. Art has a double power when poetry and painting are combined. I wish you creative inspiration and success!
Дякую Вам, друже мій, за прекрасний та глибокй по змісту вірш. Це честь для мене, що ви використовуєте мої картини як ілюстрації до ваших віршів. Мистецтво має подвійну силу коли поєднується поезія та живопис. Бажаю Вам творчого натхнення та успіхів!