The Cave of Winters Visions by Vasil Woodland / aka Vasyl Mushyk 2016.
(A Re-imagining of the ancient teachings of what it is to be a warrior.)
young warrior
bellow your heart
illuminate your spirit
touching stars
making earth tremble
student warrior
find your spirit song
let it guide you
as cleansing thunders do
rippling within
beckoning songbirds
of dawn through dusk
lonely warrior
seek your companions
find your mate
the ones who heal
challenges illusions
exposes weakness
tests notions of trust
earn theirs
warrior men
serve family
all our relations
mentor solutions
become peace
you seek
elder warriors
rise above
lay burdens down
leave weapons down
become grace
always desired
~ hsh (c) 060216
(edit (010924)
Artist Vasil Woodland / aka Vasyl Mushyk
Ukrainian Artist, Vasyl Woodland has given me permission to pair his art with my poetry and writings on my new website and FB Page. I hope you enjoy his work and are drawn to support him and his people however you can in your prayers.
PBS / Firing Line interviewed Lieve Schriber, a celebrated actor and descendent of Ukraine. They vetted the NPO BlueCheck and found there are no middlemen and 100% of the money goes directly to all the non-military needs behind the enemy lines. Please click here to make a donation to support Ukraine through BlueCheck.
Vasil studied under Norval Morrisseu. Norval Morrisseau CM RCA, also known as Copper Thunderbird, was an Indigenous Canadian artist from the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation. He is widely regarded as the Grandfather of Contemporary Indigenous Art in Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norval_Morrisseau
*The royalty-free Ukrainian Peace Flag image is provided courtesy of Akitada31/Roman. Please look at his other works on Pixabay and buy him a cup of coffee if you appreciate his contribution.
Tool - Invincible (Lyric Video)
Video by ImagesAndWords
Anilah feat. Einar Selvik of Wardruna - WARRIOR
Reasoning lets go
and I am propelled in to you
My Skin widening...
Reasoning lets go
and I am propelled into you
Hands and arms grow
and I release what must go
My skin widening
to feel your angelic arms
Come close
so that I can melt into you
Come Close…
Reasoning lets go
and I am propelled in to you
My skin widening
to your angelic arms
Leaving this weight behind
My spine becomes light
Clean my senses
so that I can hear you
Reasoning lets go
and I am propelled into you
hands and eyes grow
and i release what must go
My Skin widening...
to feel
Warriors move gracefully
We lay down our weapons
at your feet
take us with grace
to the other field
Can we Lay down our weapons
and the tired intellect
rise above
Bring me Grace
I know you Can.
....Einar's Norse choral lyrics translated:
Unharmed to the battle,
Unharmed from the battle,
Unharmed wherever they go
*The royalty-free Ukrainian Peace Flag image is provided courtesy of Akitada31/Roman. Please look at his other works on Pixabay and buy him a cup of coffee if you appreciate his contribution.
Воїн (Ukrainian)
молодий воїн
рев твого серця
освітити свій дух
зворушливі зірки
змушуючи землю тремтіти
студент воїн
знайдіть свою духовну пісню
нехай це веде вас
як це роблять очищувальні громи
брижі всередині
манить співочих птахів
від світанку до сутінків
самотній воїн
шукай свою пару
той, хто лікує
кидає виклик ілюзіям
виявляє слабкість
перевіряє поняття довіри
заробити своє
служити сім'ї
всі наші відносини
наставницькі рішення
стати миром
ви шукаєте
старші воїни
підніматися вище
лягати тягарями
залиште зброю
стати благодаттю
завжди бажаний
~ hsh (c) 060216
(редагувати (101623)
Voyin (Ukrainian)
molodyy voyin
rev tvoho sertsya
osvityty sviy dukh
zvorushlyvi zirky
zmushuyuchy zemlyu tremtity
student voyin
znayditʹ svoyu dukhovnu pisnyu
nekhay tse vede vas
yak tse roblyatʹ ochyshchuvalʹni hromy
bryzhi vseredyni
manytʹ spivochykh ptakhiv
vid svitanku do sutinkiv
samotniy voyin
shukay svoyu paru
toy, khto likuye
kydaye vyklyk ilyuziyam
vyyavlyaye slabkistʹ
pereviryaye ponyattya doviry
zarobyty svoye
sluzhyty sim'yi
vsi nashi vidnosyny
nastavnytsʹki rishennya
staty myrom
vy shukayete
starshi voyiny
pidnimatysya vyshche
lyahaty tyaharyamy
zalyshte zbroyu
staty blahodattyu
zavzhdy bazhanyy
~ hsh (c) 060216
(redahuvaty (101623)