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Updated: Apr 9


Artist Vasil Woodland / aka Vasyl Mushyk

TOPIC: What is Authentic Sobriety? Most importantly, it’s very personal.

It’s not very Authentic for me to read from my notes as chair but only having 6 authentic months of sobriety, I’m giving myself license.

While authenticity is the topic, for today's meeting, one of the promises is, 'We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.' I struggle with believing that for myself. I am in the process of working on step four, and I know that eventually my sponsor will help guide me through those regrets.

I was born into a multi-generational, Professional Military Warrior Cast who lost their way. The cost of recent and ancient Wars, our actions in the face of them, and lives taken, stole pieces of our souls. In the beginning my family was not born into a Christian, Colonialized Culture. That part came hundreds of years later as a part of our evolution and history.

I have come to believe the First Responsibility of a Warrior in many cultures, if not most original indigenous cast from all around the world; were & are to be good family mentors and stewards of the world they were born into.

The nature of our Spirit was woven and reflected into the world we lived. That truth probably hasn’t changed very much. As well as our lack of understanding it. At this point, I'm certain we're not supposed to have a fully cerebral understanding of it.

A Warriors strength and wealth, Was & Is based on how much anyone, of any age or sex, could offer to strengthen the whole. We inherently knew that our strength was only as strong as our weakest link in life or death. Our first priority is to help each other, not to deceive, dominate or manipulate each other.

It has taken most of my life to begin to remember that. It often seems more like a DNA Memory than an experiential one.

My parents could not show me what Authentic Love is because they were never Authentically shown. Regardless, I am a work in progress. It’s my journey not theirs.

AA is a program that may fully guide me forward to the founding principles of my cast. A Warrior Cast that helps to provide and protect the needs of the many in the world we live in.

I have come to believe that there are 4 seasons of Authenticity in our lives.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

~ hsh © 110923

(edit 121023)

“Creator, Please Help Me, Help You, Help Us.” ~ Brother Guy

Artist Vasil Woodland / aka Vasyl Mushyk

Ukrainian Artist, Vasyl Woodland has given me permission to pair his art with my poetry and writings on my new website. I hope you enjoy his work and are drawn to support him and his people however you can in your prayers.

Vasil studied under Norval Morrisseu. Norval Morrisseau CM RCA, also known as Copper Thunderbird, was an Indigenous Canadian artist from the Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation. He is widely regarded as the grandfather of contemporary Indigenous art in Canada. 

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